Ray's Pet Supply > Products > BWOGUE Bird Training Toys Mini Sneaker Skateboard Intelligence Training Rings Toy Parrot Foot Toys Bird Foraging Toys for Parakeet Cockatiel Conure Budgie African Grey Cockatoo Amazon

BWOGUE Bird Training Toys Mini Sneaker Skateboard Intelligence Training Rings Toy Parrot Foot Toys Bird Foraging Toys for Parakeet Cockatiel Conure Budgie African Grey Cockatoo Amazon

SKU: 10414 Category:


3 in stock


● SET of 6 TOYS-3 kinds of creations toy can raise the interests and activities of birds.
● SNEAKERS-They are Parrots’favorite,colorful and interesting with their multiple textures of soft cotton and rubber.
● INTELLIGENCE TRAINING RINGS-Teaching your bird to identify sizes and to follow simple commands strengthens your relationship, built on trust and understanding.
● SKATEBOARD-The unique shape of the perches provides excellent foot exercise and the scrub coating keeps beaks and nails trimmed.
● PET FUN TOY- Designed to stimulate your bird’s mind as well as its motor skills and to keep your bird vigorous and healthy.

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